Thu Oct 26 15:15:28 GMT+8 2023
Made To Measure & Bespoke
Post by Owen

MTM (Made-to-Measure) and Bespoke are two different ways of customizing clothing, and MTM has more advantages in today's fashion market. MTM takes an existing basic template and fine-tunes and improves it based on the client's personal dimensions and preferences. In contrast, Bespoke requires making something from scratch and involves more craftsmanship and custom details. Here are a few important factors why carrying out MTM is more advantageous than Bespoke:

First of all, it is the price advantage of MTM . Bespoke often requires creating a unique design from scratch and undergoing multiple fittings and adjustments. Such a personalized process not only requires more labor, but also leads to higher production costs. In contrast, MTM uses an existing basic template and then fine-tunes and customizes it based on the customer's measurements. This simplification and standardization of the customization process makes the price of MTM more reasonable and affordable.

Secondly, the delivery time of MTM is shorter. Bespoke often requires multiple fittings and adjustments to achieve the perfect result. However, the MTM process is relatively simple, requiring only a few fittings and detailed adjustments to meet customer needs. This makes the delivery time of MTM greatly shortened, suitable for customers who are sensitive to delivery time.

Finally, MTM provides flexible options. Although MTM is less personalized than Bespoke , it still provides many options for customers to choose from. Customers can choose from fabrics, colors, styles and design details to create custom garments that match their personal preferences and style. This flexibility allows customers to achieve a certain degree of personalization without the high cost and time investment of Bespoke.

In short, if you want to start a customized business, MTM has obvious advantages in terms of reasonable price, fast delivery time and flexibility in personalized selection. Although Bespoke provides a unique luxury experience and completely personalized clothing, MTM has become a customization method favored by more and more people because of its economical, efficient, fast and fashionable characteristics.